Objective Quality is Required for Manuals

We observe that often product manuals are produced by relying solely on the skill of a single individual, such as the production personnel in a manufacturing or production company. Product manuals that are “easy to understand” for most intended users is a minimum requirement.
We provide consultation services to improve your manuals and videos, by objective diagnostics and evaluation of the original quality of the contents, based on our experience of producing more than 2,000 manuals for over 500 companies.

Pursuing customer satisfaction

  • Improving customer satisfaction for your products

    We seek to improve customer satisfaction from the perspective of product usability and usability of the manual, such as "easy-to-understand" and "easy-to-search" by objective diagnostics, evaluation, and verification of your company’s product manuals.

  • To achieve the original purpose of the manual

    We provide support in achieving the intended purpose of the manuals, which is to convey the correct use of the products in an easy-to-understand form and prevent problems and accidents caused by improper use.
    We carry out usability verification and risk assessment to review the manual from the user's perspective, perform diagnostics and assess your document in terms of conformance requirements for the laws and regulations of each country that is required, and provide consulting for improvements.

  • Visualizing the true quality of manuals

    Using our unique system, "ManualDock2", we can help you visualize the true quality of manuals and propose significant improvements in quality. "ManualDock2" evaluates your manual from the following perspectives and makes suggestions for improvement.

    • Appropriateness (usefulness)
    • Accuracy (correctness)
    • Ease of understanding (written expression)
    • Ease of viewing (design)
    • Ease of search (searchability)
    • Safety (user protection)

    Click here for more information on manual doc2.

Various services

  • Manual Evaluation Services

    Manual Quality Management

    Manuals created within a company tend to have the same index structure and format used for many years, and are created from the perspective of the manufacturer, who is an expert of the product. Reviewing manuals from user’s perspective, the reader, rather than the perspective of the manual creator, leads to an objective assessment and the discovery of new areas for improvement. We will perform diagnostics and assess your documents and provide consulting for improvement, not just in terms of the requirements of users, but also in terms of conformance requirements for the laws and regulations of each country, international safety standards, and risk reduction.

  • Manual Evaluation Services

    Effectiveness Verification

    This service examines the contents of product manuals and videos from the perspectives of operations, usability and product risk.
    We verify from various perspectives, such as whether users can use the product correctly after reading the manual, whether it is possible to prevent problems and accidents due to improper use, and whether the manual is written in an easy-to-understand form with due consideration of the user level.

  • Manual Evaluation Services

    Objective evaluation service for manual quality

    We will use ManualDock2 to visualize the quality of your product manuals by performing conformance assessments with IEC82079-1. Manual quality can be evaluated objectively by conducting evaluations by multiple evaluators.

Manual Quality Management

Manuals created within a company tend to have the same index structure and format used for many years, and are created from the perspective of the manufacturer, who is an expert of the product. Reviewing manuals from user’s perspective, the reader, rather than the perspective of the manual creator, leads to an objective assessment and the discovery of new areas for improvement. We will perform diagnostics and assess your documents and provide consulting for improvement, not just in terms of the requirements of users, but also in terms of conformance requirements for the laws and regulations of each country, international safety standards, and risk reduction.

  • Conformance assessment of instruction manuals with the international standard (IEC82079-1)

    We perform conformance assessment with IEC82079-1, which is the international standard of instruction manuals, and clarify the priority for improvements by showing the non-conforming items by the worst ranking format. We also implement benchmark comparisons with quality averages by product category.

  • Conformance assessment with laws and regulations and standards by destination counties and product

    We will examine and analyze the laws and regulations of each country, international and national safety standards (ISO, IEC, ANSI, EN, SEMI, ASTM, GB and GBT, etc.), and guidelines established for each industry, to perform conformance assessments in accordance with regulations that vary by destination counties and product.

  • Identifying and analyzing problems

    If you provide us with a manual or document that you want to improve, we will study the appropriate requirements of those and identify the missing elements to achieve their purpose. We will investigate not only the literary style but also the structure of the table of contents and the visual aspects such as illustrations and layout, and propose specific measures with samples of the improvements.

  • Comparative analysis

    We will objectively evaluate the usability and legal and standard requirements by comparing and analyzing the manuals of your product with those of competitors' products provided. You can improve your manuals based on the results of the evaluation and make them stand out by producing manuals that are superior to those of other companies in the industry.

Effectiveness Verification

This service examines the contents of product manuals and videos from the perspectives of operations, usability and product risk.
We verify from various perspectives, such as whether users can use the product correctly after reading the manual, whether it is possible to prevent problems and accidents due to improper use, and whether the manual is written in an easy-to-understand form with due consideration of the user level.

  • A thorough effectiveness verification for perfect manuals

    We offer various tests to verify whether the contents of manuals are useful and suited for the purpose for which they are intended. We will support you in creating effective manuals that go beyond ""easy-to-understand"". We can also examine your existing contents produced elsewhere.

  • Operation verification

    We will use the products and software by by following product manuals and online help to verify their correctness, expression appropriateness, and searchability.

  • Usability verification

    We will go back to the basic elements of information communication to verify whether the contents are easy to handle, and whether the user can achieve their purpose without stress.
    We will also conduct verification to apply our element analysis to the user interface of the product and the manual. We can also accommodate requests for outsourcing the verification of usability for the entire product.

  • Verification of effectiveness in multilingual OS environments

    We perform manual verification of effectiveness and software testing in multilingual OS environments (Windows, Android and iOS). We can verify each language by different versions by OS. In addition to verifying the effectiveness of multilingual manuals, we also carry out software testing, including software installation, operation verification on different browsers, and connectivity tests with external devices.
    We will prepare the OS for each language, and operate the software following the manual to verify that the software can be operated as given in it. At the same time, if the display of software menus, buttons and messages (GUI) differs from the manual, we will provide feedback to check the correct content. Translating GUIs by simply looking at the text may result in expressions that are not suited for the situation. We will propose appropriate expressions for those cases. We will also provide feedback on any issues with software localization.
    We support OS environments in many languages. The following is just a a few of the many.
    Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional) and Korean.

Objective evaluation service for manual quality

We will use ManualDock2 to visualize the quality of your product manuals by performing conformance assessments with IEC82079-1. Manual quality can be evaluated objectively by conducting evaluations by multiple evaluators.

  • IEC82079-1 conformance assessment with minimum items

    ManualDock2 is an assessment and quality improvement tool for periodically inspecting the quality of manuals.
    We will advise you on how to improve the quality in accordance with the worst ranking of quality.

    • Allows conformance assessment for instruction manuals with the international standard (IEC82079-1).
    • We can visualize what is lacking in your manuals, and where they excel by comparing the evaluation results of competitors' manuals with those of yours.
  • Visualize the true quality of manuals

    Manual|Doc2 is a quantitative and qualitative evaluation system for manual quality using cloud computing. We visualize possible problems and provide you guidance for improvements based on the manual quality assessment. By scoring all evaluation items, you can visually check the assessment results and changes by rankings and graphs. Periodic assessments enables a certain level of quality to be maintained even after the manual has been revised several times.

Click here for more information on ManualDock2.