Highly effective risk management, not just as a mere formality

The environment surrounding companies has been changing constantly in recent years. Risks to companies are becoming more complex and diverse with each passing day due to factors such as globalization, increased security with the advancement of IT, such as cloud computing, accidents, disasters and epidemics. Understanding such a wide variety of risks is not an easy task.
We offer support for company-wide risk management by enabling the identification and assessment of such risks.

Pursuing customer satisfaction

  • Digital Transformation of Risk Management

    We provide a timely and low-cost subscription service (i-CRAS2) through the digital transformation of our risk assessment service (i-CRAS_super), which we have been providing to listed companies and newly listed companies. This service will make risk management initiatives accessible and practical for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which used to be unapproachable in terms of cost and resources.

  • Optimization of PDCA for Company-wide Risk Management

    When a company performs risk management, it first conducts a risk assessment during the planning stage, identifies priorities for risk response, and then formulates an action plan.
    In many cases, the planning stage usually takes several to six months, due to which the PDCA cycle extends over 2 or 3 years instead of 1 year. Therefore incorporation of new risks cannot be done in time, and risk management is often reduced to just a formality.
    Our company's i-CRAS series reduces the planning stage to about one month, allowing timely risk assessments to be conducted as often as required a year for groups, such as for the entire company, only for head office, only for stores, only for factories.

Various services

  • Enterprise Risk Assessment Services

    Company-wide Risk Management

    Company-wide risk management requires appropriate risk assessment, appropriate measures to avoid risks and continuous implementation of the PDCA cycle at optimal intervals.
    Our proprietary system enables risk assessment in a short period. At the same time, we prioritize and identify risks that need to be addressed from among the numerous corporate risks and propose measures.
    We offer support to optimize company-wide risk management and realize cost savings.

  • Enterprise Risk Assessment Services

    Enterprise Risk Assessment Services

    i-CRAS2 is a cloud computing system used for enterprise-wide risk assessment, with the main objective of preventing and mitigating damages, and clarifying the priorities for dealing with the various risks faced by a company. The major advantages of this system are ensuring the objectivity of assessments, significantly reducing the implementation costs and the assessment period. By implementing risk assessment in a cloud environment, you can easily perform risk assessment in a shorter period as compared to the conventional interview method.
    Since this is a self-assessment method (Control Self-assessment: CSA), outsourcing is minimized, and costs can also be reduced. Since risk assessment can be implemented in about one month, you will be able to run PDCA cycles annually.
    Data of companies from various markets and industries are compiled in real time and compared with the average risk values to provide you the ""current status of your company"".

  • Enterprise Risk Assessment Services

    i-CRAS_super is a service that provides more flexibility to i-CRAS2, which allows you to set risk assessment items of your company and identify the items with the worst ranking. This service is customized, and we will provide a quotation based on your needs.

Company-wide Risk Management

Company-wide risk management requires appropriate risk assessment, appropriate measures to avoid risks and continuous implementation of the PDCA cycle at optimal intervals.
Our proprietary system enables risk assessment in a short period. At the same time, we prioritize and identify risks that need to be addressed from among the numerous corporate risks and propose measures.
We offer support to optimize company-wide risk management and realize cost savings.

  • Supporting company-wide risk management (ERM)

    With our proprietary business risk diagnostics service system ""i-CRAS2"" (business model patented), we will support your overall risk management. We analyze risks from different angles and provide you guidance on risk measures (risk control). There are nearly 100 listed companies already working on risk reduction using this system.
    Those companies needs include conducting enterprise-wide risk assessments on a regular basis for running PDCA cycles, conducting risk assessments as part of the due diligence of acquired companies, or comparing the company’s risks in advance of an IPO with the market level of their planned listing.
    We also support the creation of various business manuals, including the formulation of ""crisis response manuals"" and ""business continuity plans (BCPs)"". In addition, we also hold risk related in-house training and seminars, and legal checks by our partner attorneys. Many unlisted enterprises also use our services, and we look forward to having further discussions with you.

  • Flow of risk management

    We use the following process to support your company-wide risk management.

Enterprise Risk Assessment Services

i-CRAS2 is a cloud computing system used for enterprise-wide risk assessment, with the main objective of preventing and mitigating damages, and clarifying the priorities for dealing with the various risks faced by a company. The major advantages of this system are ensuring the objectivity of assessments, significantly reducing the implementation costs and the assessment period. By implementing risk assessment in a cloud environment, you can easily perform risk assessment in a shorter period as compared to the conventional interview method.
Since this is a self-assessment method (Control Self-assessment: CSA), outsourcing is minimized, and costs can also be reduced. Since risk assessment can be implemented in about one month, you will be able to run PDCA cycles annually.
Data of companies from various markets and industries are compiled in real time and compared with the average risk values to provide you the ""current status of your company"".

  • Advantages of i-CRAS2

    Based on the results of the risk assessment, we will identify the key risks and provide a diagnostic report, including risk maps and risk rankings

    • to visualize the risks.
    • The work will only take about one month net, and you will be able to see the current status of your company.
    • You can start enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) with basic risk assessments.
    • Risk assessment with regard to corporate activities will be performed by a person in charge within the company, and will not be outsourced.
    • Since this is a cloud-based system, assessments can be performed anytime, anywhere, regardless of time or place.
    • You can compare the assessment results with market/industry standards and past data.

Click here for more information on i-CRAS2.

i-CRAS_super is a service that provides more flexibility to i-CRAS2, which allows you to set risk assessment items of your company and identify the items with the worst ranking. This service is customized, and we will provide a quotation based on your needs.

  • Risk Assessment Unique to Your Company

    While i-CRAS2 provides risk assessment item templates for each industry, i-CRAS_super allows users to set unique assessment items. With i-CRAS_super, users can use the prepared templates or add unique assessment items with no upper limit to the number of items.

  • Captures All Risk Items

    i-CRAS2 presents risks requiring measures by narrowing down to the number of items (10 to 30) selected by each company. i-CRAS_super prepares a report of all risk items in the order they require measures (worst ranking). The worst ranking of all risk items can be used to identify and evaluate risks unique and potential risks in the users department.